Errigal Ciaran Senior Men’s Team – Tyrone County and Ulster Champions! Thank you – players and management team for giving us so much pleasure and pride over the past weeks and months. Don’t stop believing!
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 25th Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballygawley 7pm*
Noleen & Paul McCaffrey, Hughie & Teasie Nugent, Peter Askin
Sunday 26th St Matthew’s Church, Garvaghey 11am
John, SarahAnn, Patrick McKenna
Tuesday 28th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*
Liturgy without a priest.
Wednesday 29th St Mary’s Church 10am
Thursday 30th Church of the Assumption, Tullyallen 7.30pm
Baby Ava Nicola Haughey Month Mind
Friday 31st St Matthew’s Church 10am
The Presentation of the Lord
Saturday 1st February St Malachy’s Church, Ballymacilroy 7pm
Kathleen Donaghue, Moya & Frank Gormley, Margaret Lewis
Sunday 2nd St Mary’s Church, Dunmoyle 11am
Kathleen McGarvey
Monday 3rd Church of the Immaculate Conception 1.45pm*
St Ciaran’s College – marking Catholic Schools Week (rescheduled due to weather)
Tuesday 4th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*
Wednesday 5th St Mary’s Church 10am
Liturgy without a priest
Thursday 6th St Malachy’s Church 7pm
Friday 7th St Matthew’s Church 10am
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 8th Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballygawley 7pm*
Baby Rosie Coulter
Sunday 9th St Matthew’s Church, Garvaghey 11am
Francis, Kathleen, Eileen, Fr Seamus McGinley, Jimmy & Maggie Devine,
John, Rose, James, Darren McAnenly
Liturgy without a priest: summer 2018 we trained Parishioners to lead a liturgy without a priest. In conjunction with the Parish Pastoral Council this will happen again. The following dates will have a liturgy instead of Mass – Tuesday 28th January; Wednesday 5th February; Thursday 20th February; Friday 28th February. Mod will be at the Churches on these days to direct those in charge. This is part of our preparation for the future of Parish liturgical life.
Lately Deceased: Baby Ava Nicola Haughey, Margaret Corr, Blaise Farry.
Blessing of Graves: Garvaghey Sunday 18th May Mass at 11am; Ballymacilroy Sunday 25th May Mass 11am; Dunmoyle Sunday 6th July at 10am with Altar Glen Mass at 11am; Old Errigal Sunday 7th September Mass 2pm.
Sacrament of Baptism: we welcome into the Errigal Ciaran Parish faith community Caoimhe Ella Hackett, Turlough Emmett Quinn, Fionn Pádraig Mossey who were Baptised recently.
Parish Finance Committee meeting Monday 27th January.
First Friday visits: for February – Tuesday 4th Ballymacilroy, Garvaghy; Wednesday 5th Dunmoyle; Thursday 6th Ballygawley
Continuous Rosary in Ireland for Peace and Charity – Our Parish of Errigal Ciaran has been allocated Sunday 2nd February, surname A-L 5.24pm -5.42pm; surname M-Z 5.42pm-6pm. Pray well!
Medjugorje 7-night pilgrimage 13th-20th August 2025. Direct from Belfast to Mostar – breakfast & evening meals. £715 per person. Contact Orla Mckenna 07766899895
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays after Mass until 11am in St Mary’s Church; Thursdays 10am to 6pm in Church of the Immaculate Conception; St Matthew’s Church after Mass on Fridays; St Malachy’s Church every morning 7am-8am.
Parishioner financial contributions for December: Sunday envelopes (5 weekends) amounted to £12,841 and 85 Standing orders amounted to £3303 and donations amounted to £1900. Thank you for your generosity. Standing order bank details: Errigal Ciaran Parish; sort code 950224; account number 71001701 Danske Bank.
Cleaning rota for February: St Malachy’s Church Nicola Canavan, Donna/Alicia Quinn; St Mary’s Church Kathleen Mullin, Orla O’Sullivan, Teresa Mullin, Kathleen Mullin; St Matthew’s Church AnneMarie Kelly, Paula McEvoy.
Ballygawley Historical Society – a night in St Malachy’s Primary School, Glencull to remember the life and poetry of Patrick Farrell, Shantavny on Monday 27th January at 7.30pm. All welcome.
Breathwork Class: use the power of your breath to bring relaxation and healing to your body and mind. Reduces stress, improves sleep, mental well-being and helps manage pain. Tues 28th Jan Tues 11th Feb Tues 25th Feb Glencull Primary school @ 7.30pm Booking essential, contact Sarah on 07821300422
Errigal Bowling Club – St Ciaran’s Hall on Thursdays at 8.15pm. All ages welcome.
When religion forsakes politics, it becomes unworthy and useless; when politics is divorced from religion then it becomes materialistic and violent.
Used stamps can be left with Pauline Ball.
Good reasons to go to Mass! 9. We need ritual in our lives. Mass is a ritual, which means that through the repetition of prayers, movements, and the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, we are formed, disciplined and consoled. The ‘sameness’ of the Mass carries us along the spiritual journey even when we don’t ‘feel’ like praying. The ‘sameness’ of the ritual allows us to be transformed on a soul level, even if we are unaware of what is happening.
Bingo/Lotto: St Ciaran’s Hall Wednesdays 8.30pm. Lotto continues every week.
Bulletin – next publications on 9th & 23rd February. Deadline for notices 4th & 18th Februar