Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other.

Year of St Brigid – 1500

Year of Prayer in preparation for Holy Year 2025 – The Our Father

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 17th St Malachy’s Church, Ballymacilroy 7pm

Owen & Susan Mallon, Frank McKenna, Edward & Annie McGirr, Seamus McCabe, Alice Kavanagh

Sunday 18th St Mary’s Church, Dunmoyle 11am

Gerard Mullin First Anniversary, Francis Hugh Owens

Tuesday 20th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*

Wednesday 21st St Mary’s Church 10am

John Donnelly

Thursday 22nd St Malachy’s Church 7pm

Friday 23rd Church of the Immaculate Conception 10am*

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – Blessing of Schoolbags at both Masses

Saturday 24th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*

Packie & Bridie Kavanagh, Vincent McRory

Sunday 25th St Mary’s Church, Dunmoyle 11am

Denise Robson First Anniversary, Eugene Kelly, Mick McCrory

Tuesday 27th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*

Wednesday 28th St Mary’s Church 10am

Mary Ellen & Patrick Mullin

Thursday 29th St Malachy’s Church 7pm

Carol O’Hanlon

Friday 30th Church of the Immaculate Conception 10am*

Friday 30th St Mary’s Church 12noon wedding

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Blessing of Schoolbags at both Masses

Saturday 31st St Malachy’s Church, Ballymacilroy 7pm

Mary Ellen Boyle & Fam, Roseann, Albert, Thomas McKeown, Margaret Maguire

Sunday 1st September St Mary’s Church, Dunmoyle 11am

Frank O’Sullivan

Lately Deceased: Marie McClafferty, Archbishop Noel Treanor

Blessing of Graves Old Errigal Sunday 8th September at 2pm.

Sacrament of Baptism: we welcome into the Errigal Ciaran Parish faith community Cara Ann McGirr and Dearbhla Ann Conroy who were Baptised recently.

Parishioner financial contributions for July: Sunday envelopes over 4 weekends amounted to £3798.30 and donations amounted to £1000. Thank you for your generosity.

St Matthew’s Church, Garvaghey: work is progressing at the Church and is on schedule to reopen before Christmas. The new sacristy and toilet as you can see are being rebuilt. Painting inside and out will start soon – pray for better weather! The sacred vessels and brasses are being refurbished. Thank you to all who contribute regularly to the project – Sunday envelope and standing orders – and those making donations. All helps to secure the future of the Church and Parish.

The Friends of Kevy in Association with The Spirit of Paul Mc Girr are hosting a Big Breakfast Fundraiser on Sunday 25th August in Altamuskin Community Centre 11.00am to 1.00pm

All proceeds in aid of Tyrone School Zambia Building Fund. Donations at the door. Everyone welcome

Blessing of Schoolbags – will take place at Masses on 24th/25th August and 31st August/1st September. Children and Young People bring them to Mass that weekend.

St Ciaran’s College: There will be a phased return for students. Friday 30th August Year 8 Pupil and Parent Induction Day; Monday 2nd September Years 8, 11 and 13 present; Tuesday 3rd September Years 10, 12 and 14 present; Wednesday 4th September School reopens for all pupils (first day for Year 9).

Cleaning rota September: St Malachy’s Church Ann Mellon, Caroline Connolly; St Mary’s Church Ailish Boyle & Fam, Katrina Donnelly, Catriona Donnelly, Geraldine Donnelly.

children and their families to visit Churches and holy sites dedicated to St. Brigid across the Archdiocese of Armagh. Discover more and learn about how to participate in this unique pilgrimage journey at

National Novena to Our Lady of Knock continues to 22nd August – daily workshops at 12.45pm on theme ‘God Whispers’ – guided prayer sessions at 11.15am and 5.15pm – Novena Masses at 3pm and 8pm – Anointing of the Sick 2.30pm. All welcome.

Catholic Mothers Ireland – Family Day – We will be holding our inaugural Annual National Mass on Saturday 7th September in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tullysaran, Co. Armagh. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin at 12noon, followed by food and activities in the hall. A lovely day for all the family! Email for more information or book your place here

Caravaggio – The Taking of Christ and The Supper at Emmaus – both works of art on display at Ulster Museum, Belfast until 1st September – a grand day out!

Centenary of St Oliver Plunkett Church, Blackrock – there will be a festival of flowers to mark the occasion. Starting with Mass at St Oliver Shrine Ballybarrick at 7pm on Thursday 29th August. Friday 30th the festival will be open with an ecumenical service at 2pm. Saturday 31st August Mass at 6.30pm. Concluding on Sunday. During the 3 days the festival will run between 2pm and 6pm. All welcome.

Errigal Bowling Club – indoor bowling starts for a new season on Thursday 5th September in St Ciaran’s Hall, Ballygawley for all old and new members. All very welcome,

A lady was mailing a gift of a Bible to a relative. The postal clerk examined the heavy package and inquired if it contained anything breakable. ‘Nothing,’ the lady replied, ‘but the Ten Commandments’.

Bingo: St Ciaran’s Hall Wednesdays 9pm. All welcome. Lotto continues as usual.

Bulletin – next publications on 1st & 15th September. Deadline for notices 27th August & 10th September.
