Errigal Ciaran Senior Men’s Team – Tyrone County and Ulster Champions! This issue printed before rescheduled All-Ireland Club semifinal – hopefully as you read, we are celebrating and preparing for the Final!

The Baptism of the Lord.

Saturday 11th Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballygawley 7pm*

Brendan Mallon First Anniversary

Sunday 12th St Matthew’s Church, Garvaghey 11am

Tuesday 14th Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*

Tommy & Mary Traynor

Wednesday 15th St Mary’s Church 10am

Fr Michael Seery

Thursday 16th St Malachy’s Church 7pm

Mary Neill

Friday 17th St Matthew’s Church 10am

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 18th St Malachy’s Church, Ballymacilroy 7pm

Sr Marie Gerard(Eileen) (Month Mind), Anna, Patrick McGirr, Eugene Mallon,

Mia Quinn Patrick, Anne, Carol O’Hanlon, Michaela McAreavey, Michael McMullan

Sunday 19th St Mary’s Church, Dunmoyle 11am

Patricia, Kathleen, Francie, Declan McGarrity, Michael McCrory,

Kathleen McGarvey, Roseann McElhill

Tuesday 21st Church of the Immaculate Conception 7pm*

Wednesday 22nd St Mary’s Church 10am

Thursday 23rd St Malachy’s Church 7pm

Friday 24th St Matthew’s Church 10am

Friday 24th Church of the Immaculate Conception 11.15am*

St Ciaran’s College – marking Catholic Schools Week 19th-26th January.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 25th Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballygawley 7pm*

Noleen & Paul McCaffrey, Hughie & Teasie Nugent

Sunday 26th St Matthew’s Church, Garvaghey 11am

Advent/Christmas/Epiphany: thanks to all who decorated the Churches – Advent Wreaths, Cribs, Christmas Trees; choirs and soloists and musicians for Christmas Eve/Day Masses; Readers, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers. And to the crowds who came to worship and adore, like the shepherds and the Magi. It all added to our celebration of the Birth of Jesus. The Altar Glen and Church of the Immaculate Conception Crib/Nativity also gave public witness to our faith and celebrations. And can I add my thanks for the dues and gifts I received personally. Much appreciated. MoD.

Lately Deceased: Seamus Graham, Baby Ava Nicola Haughey, Frankie Mullin.

Sacrament of Baptism: we welcome into the Errigal Ciaran Parish faith community Paddy Jason McKenna, Adeline Mairead O’Neill, Amelia Grace Boyle who were Baptised recently.

Sacrament of Marriage: congratulations to Padraig Pearson and Maria Murphy; Ryan Cassidy and Emer Loane; Niall Kelly and Caoimhe Winters who were married recently.

Parish Pastoral Council meeting Monday 20th January.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th-25th January.

St Ciaran College would like to invite all P6/P7 pupils and their parents/carers to our open night on Thursday 16th January commencing at 7pm.

Medjugorje 7-night pilgrimage 13th-20th August 2025. Direct from Belfast to Mostar – breakfast & evening meals. £715 per person. Contact Orla Mckenna 07766899895

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays after Mass until 11am in St Mary’s Church; Thursdays 10am to 6pm in Church of the Immaculate Conception; St Matthew’s Church after Mass on Fridays; St Malachy’s Church every morning 7am-8am.

Parishioner financial contributions for November: Sunday envelopes (4 weekends) amounted to £4814 and 73 Standing orders amounted to £2411and donations amounted to £1400. Thank you for your generosity. Standing order bank details: Errigal Ciaran Parish; sort code 950224; account number 71001701 Danske Bank.

St Vincent De Paul Ballygawley – the SVP Volunteers want to thank everyone for the very generous and kind donations towards the St Vincent De Paul charity. All donations have gone towards helping families this Christmas. We would like to wish you a Happy New Year.

Trócaire requiring School Volunteers for 2025. Are you retired or someone who has experience presenting to groups of school children? Full training and ongoing support will be provided. For more information, please call Naomi Purnell on 9080 8033 or email

Back on Track is a primary schools programme which provides support for children needing additional help in Literacy or Numeracy. A volunteer is required to commit to 2/3 hours one morning per week for 15 weeks but potentially for a full school year. Induction and training will be provided. For further details contact Kate 90247600 or 07749633243 or email

NI Cancer Pilgrimage to Lourdes 10th -15th May 2025. Price £859 Return flights from Belfast. Full board and accommodation at Hotel Agena. To enquire or to obtain a booking form please contact:- Mrs Jean Clarke 078746 88388, or e-mail at:-

Errigal Bowling Club – St Ciaran’s Hall on Thursdays at 8.15pm. All ages welcome.

When religion forsakes politics, it becomes unworthy and useless; when politics is divorced from religion then it becomes materialistic and violent.

Used stamps can be left with Pauline Ball.

Good reasons to go to Mass! 8. We need to acknowledge that we make mistakes. At every Mass, we have the opportunity to review the past week. We admit that we have sinned in thought, in word, in deed, in what we have done and what we have failed to do. We seek forgiveness, and we are assured that God still loves us. Before we receive Communion, we admit that we are not worthy and ask God to heal us. Going to Mass helps us to strengthen our commitment to live moral lives.

Bingo/Lotto: St Ciaran’s Hall Wednesdays 8.30pm. Lotto continues every week. Congratulations to Ryan Traynor won had four numbers and won the jackpot of £2350.

Bulletin – next publications on 26th January & 9th February. Deadline for notices 21st January & 4th Februar
