About admin-stephen

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So far admin-stephen has created 179 blog entries.

Bulletin 13th/ 14th April 2029

arish of Errigal Ciaran​​​​​​ In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area​​​​Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 14th April 2019 ​​

Bulletin 13th/ 14th April 20292019-04-12T12:06:40+00:00

Parish Bulletin 6th / 7th April 2019

Parish of Errigal Ciaran                                                                                      In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area                                                            Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 7th April 2019

Parish Bulletin 6th / 7th April 20192019-04-05T13:59:23+00:00

Bulletin 30th March, 31st March 2019

Parish of Errigal Ciaran                                                                                      In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area                                                            Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 31st March 2019

Bulletin 30th March, 31st March 20192019-04-01T11:41:44+00:00

Parish Bulletin 23rd / 24th March 2019

Parish of Errigal Ciaran                                                                                      In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area                                                            Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 22th March 2019

Parish Bulletin 23rd / 24th March 20192019-03-22T14:51:35+00:00

Bulletin 16th / 17th March

Parish of Errigal Ciaran                                                                                      In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area                                                            Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 17th March 2019

Bulletin 16th / 17th March2019-03-14T12:16:47+00:00

Bulletin 9th March 19

Parish of Errigal Ciaran                                                                                      In the Cardinal MacRory Pastoral Area                                                            Clergy in the Pastoral Area: Parish Bulletin for Sunday 10th March 2019

Bulletin 9th March 192019-03-13T10:13:12+00:00

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Hello world!2018-12-15T15:04:01+00:00