About admin-stephen

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So far admin-stephen has created 179 blog entries.

Bulletin – 20th August

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Year of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood! Twentieth Sunday

Bulletin – 20th August2023-08-22T15:32:50+00:00

Bulletin – 28th July

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Year of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood! Seventeenth Sunday

Bulletin – 28th July2023-07-28T17:25:42+00:00

Bulletin – 15th July

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Year of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood! Fifteenth Sunday

Bulletin – 15th July2023-07-15T10:22:17+00:00

Bulletin – 2nd July

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Year of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood! Thirteenth Sunday

Bulletin – 2nd July2023-06-30T11:06:46+00:00

Bulletin – 3rd June

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Year of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood! Trinity Sunday

Bulletin – 3rd June2023-06-08T09:22:33+00:00

Bulletin – 17th May

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. The continued peace and joy of Easter to all!

Bulletin – 17th May2023-05-22T18:39:48+00:00

Bulletin 7th May

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. The continued peace and joy of Easter to all!

Bulletin 7th May2023-05-10T20:54:06+00:00

Bulletin – 24th April

The continued peace and joy of Easter to all! Third Sunday of Easter Saturday 22nd St Malachy’s Church, Ballymacilroy 7pm Peter &

Bulletin – 24th April2023-04-26T16:04:12+00:00

Bulletin – 2nd April

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Saturday 1st April

Bulletin – 2nd April2023-04-02T11:29:14+00:00

Bulletin – 19th March

Covid is still with us. Let us continue to look after each other. Fourth Sunday of Lent Mothers’ Day – a blessing

Bulletin – 19th March2023-03-19T22:07:14+00:00